TakenOver 👻さんのプロフィール画像

TakenOver 👻さんのイラストまとめ

No under 🔞
Not a great artist but Hey? Whats the hurt in tryin?
A Pee-Noise 🇵🇭
using this guy's body to do art~

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:2239

Eyyoo how is everyone doing in the spoopy month? hahaha hope your doing well, gonna do more doodles soon, hopefully hahaha~

43 258

Careful what you drink out there boys

39 181

A Prince takes a little dip in a forests pond where he rescues a frog from being preyed upon, unaware of the frogs true intentions..., its a tale as old as time...

27 151

"Se- Sensei.. are you su- sure that this is a part of the training.. I feel very weird... and hot... wh- what are these incense from anyway?... why do they make me so... hard... ugh... heheh..., some "Incense" Training hehehe

29 173

Woah! Bro damn... This body is strong! Hehe Look at these arms! Wo- woah! Hehehe someones Excited....

25 137

Bored Doodle, Cal getting slugged all over again, What can I say? he's really comfy~, more doodles comming up just gotta finish em Hahaha~

16 91

Oh random text?, Play me? alright i guess?, wh..what.. ughn... Hehe.. Spiral.. Music.. hehe.., Poor Levi opened a text from a buddy, little does he know what the file had in store for him. Levi is the Oc of Thanks again man <3

60 262

"Quick While the ships distracting him!, Get In!!, Phase 1 of our Human Invasion is already in set nyehehehe". Those Pesky Aliens I tell ya, them and their superior... Shiny.... glowy.... lights.... hehehe..... lights...

23 134

Sum Good o'l body swap hahaha

41 188