

Joe "joemag" Magdalena - Senior Designer @ReduxGamesInc - Game Developer - 3D printer - mad scientist - opinions mine

フォロー数:2431 フォロワー数:4439

🎶Cat-game cat-gaaaame, alone in the world is a little cat-game🎶

1 29

Sure, fine, if all you’re expecting from your nft assets are blank spaces to put a jpg in then yes you can have interoperability between games. That is the limit of what a “skin” can mean to you.

8 50

finally they’ve got robots that can speak italian

4 40

Like, sign me up for whatever the hell’s goin on here!

1 9

PSA for industry folks, this is bait.

They’re doing a bit, satire that’s obviously too close to reality. Don’t engage with someone who’s just posting to make you upset.

12 45

Appreciate everyone who took this in good fun. Nothin to plug but would always appreciate a follow.

0 17

these skeletons are just so at ease and in love

1 6

And that’s terrible.

0 9

Then I gotta deal with an hour of:
Me: I powercycled my modem and router, service is still slow
Them: (10 minutes later) did you try restarting your modem and router?

1 8