

フォロー数:1857 フォロワー数:53

I've said it before but they really just need to let Morrigan be part of the Devil May Cry universe. And let this man design her

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Boy, I'd love to but I gotta save

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I will donate my two nickels from Supermans and Sephiroths

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Time to give that "Other" option a workout, my dudes

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The artist is called Panzer and I believe these are all their work. The style seems to vary wildy so I have no clue how it will end up looking but it should be good either way

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Morrigan would be Death by Chocolate. The tastiest dessert I've ever had that I'm probably going to regret afterwards

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His Xenoblade 2 designs were kinda samey but I still think they looked cool and were some of the best in the game

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