

follow @sicklikeadog im on there instead lol

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shes so cuteee :( im so upset she costs like 1k+

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vamos a la fiesta

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baby is it me or r u doin sumn to me

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absolutely my love ud so have a razorwhip i feel like ud have yhe same kind of bond with urs like heather has with windshear, ud find it when it was a hatchling and take care of it ur razorwhip would ADORE u

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stormcutter, i cant explain why but ur just so stormcutter also my 2nd option was actually 4 u and lix to share a zippleback dragon :L (last photo)

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deadly nadder!!! a classic dragon, ud soo get along with one, theyre loyal and loving and would b there 4 u in the blink of an eye yeah ud have a nadder

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