john savageさんのプロフィール画像

john savageさんのイラストまとめ

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# 7tv

The gangs all here! The second batch of Copplestone gangsters for What a Gangster hitting the table at Ouseing Lard in July. 2 more batches to go 😅

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So 2021 started with us deep into a virtual ACW SP campaign which of course meant some new ACW cavalry on the painting table. We then switched to a Napoleonic campaign with a what-if French invasion of England. And that led to some Napoleonics and sailors.

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Currently trawling the Grand Manner website for their resin sale. Anyone who is looking for a suitable Roman temple model for the centrepiece of the “Storm at Camulodunum” game in my Boudicca campaign in the latest Lard Magazine could do worse than take a look at the GM temple

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Watching Da Vinci’s Demons on Disney+ at the moment. It’s got me wanting a Warhammer Dogs of War/Tilean army. Now where can I find some Birdmen of Catrazza for less than £1m per figure?

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The nostalgia is strong with this one

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"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was and drunkenness followed with him."

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Pleased with the first batch of AWI figures. Bit of shine as haven’t matt varnished them yet but be ready for the W&N matt in a day or so. Lovely Perry Miniatures as always and looking forward to stepping into AWI with Sharp Practice soon! 2nd group already on the painting table

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Well I’ve gone for 40x40mm multi-bases. Like the close order look! Victrix & LBMS transfers.

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After picking up the 7TV folk horror supplement “Children of the Fields” I’m always on the lookout for further inspiration. This graphic novel absolutely hits the spot. Fabulous artwork, a great story & a beautifully produced hardback. Highly recommended!

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Free on Kindle. Napoleonic Cthulhu action on 1810 Portugal. Now how can I add Deep Ones to my Sharp Practice games? 🤔

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