

sometimes I draw | 18 years old | IF YOU REPOST MY ART CREDIT ME PLEASE

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:71

Thank you very VERY much!!! 💖💖💖

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I'm having a bad time
I began to consider leaving this, it has cost me to "build" what little I have but ... I'll think about it for a couple more days.
To all my followers, to the people who react to my drawings, even those who just watch and pass by. Thank you very much 💖

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En serio no lo subí aquí?

Mierda, deveras perdí la noción de todo

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Últimamente tengo unos mareos fuertísimos y constantes pero de corta duración. En serio ya no los aguanto, cada vez son más seguidos, antes eran cada 2 horas, ahora cada 20 minutos. Son tan fuertes que se siente como si estuviera temblando o me fuera a desmayar

Me voy a petatear

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Sorry, another dumb practice

I don’t feel good to make a “decent” drawing

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Little sketch from Hank just to practice in my new Wacom!

I’m so excited for this :>

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Man, I think I have more drawings to show but only have furrys wtf 😳

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