

Estudando engenharia de controle enquanto é main Atlas no Paladins e joga de Tatyova no MTG.

Entao ta ne...

meu BS @

フォロー数:450 フォロワー数:41

Ae vamo deboas ver o trailer do overwatch 2, ue? Q Q KRALHOS A LUNA TA NO OVER? se saporra sair como uma "raposa LUNAR" eu vo ter um treco E AINDA VAI SER UM SUP?

ja to ate vendo o migo fã de over falar "e no teu paladins tem uma raposa assim?"


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is it a bug or is this right?

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As this time i did something with drogoz i am obliged by law to tag here.

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i see this. and the only thing i can think is that:

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Não tenho como descrever o quanto eu me divirto fazendo essas proxy de magic com paladins. logo logo meu cubo de paladins estará pronto.

I can't describe how much fun I have making these magic proxy with paladins. soon my paladins draft cube will be ready.

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Continuing the journey of making a Paladins themed MAGIC set. and I have to say Rei's card arts are perfect in everything.

I don't know who to give the specific credit to the images. I just matched the arts with matching cards.

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Continuing the project of "What a themed Secret Lair the magic of Paladins would be like", finally a card that makes sense to Lian.

how I would love to know the artists to be able to put in the credits of the card.

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Hoje eu juntei minha comandante favorita com o meu jogo favorito.
eu estou tão feliz, vocês não tem ideia.

Today I joined my favorite commander with my favorite game.
I'm so happy, you have no idea.

you guys are the best.

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Finally i have the template i wanted and now everyone will cry because of my ying even in Magic

who is the artist of that splashart to me put in the credits slot? (i put "evil mojo" but i want to put the artist name)

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