

jongin and mingyu selca when

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anyways jongin in SEA countries and India for me and my besties please

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taking pic for kai hyung doing a challenge with hyung giving hyung a towel calling hyung lovely

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pretend i couldnt read for the sake of my sanity

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i celebrated, went to sleep, woke up, did laundry and somewhere out there some obsessed ddns stayed up and ignored everything else to dig through 300 cmts to find sth to downgrade ji's award they really are more up to date with ji more than ks at this point

0 14

a whole y/n moment and from jonginie

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sekai to junmyeon minseok kyungsoo

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thats right when its aokise sekai ver i could never write bottom j its not appropriate nskajss btw this is aokise the second is fanart and its a scene i would love to write

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