

Comic Writer. Just wants to make dope stories. Secrets & Shadows (2012), Clusterf@#k (2016) and Mega Centurions (2022, Scout).

フォロー数:1494 フォロワー数:1034
# c2e2 k

Last: Speaking of Clusterfk. For the holidays/my birthday/end of the decade, I'm putting the 2016 Clusterfk trade on sale for $5. Partially because I'm feeling charitable, but mostly to free up space in my home.

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2nd: Clusterfk will finally be back on Comixology this Wednesday. I'll put the link up when it happens, but thought I'd put up a preemptive tweet about it.

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Don't have a Kickstarter or anything, but I am selling copies of Clusterf at roughly half price for the rest of the month.

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Hello, my name is Jon Parrish. I write comics with dysfunctional families, swearing, and people getting punched really hard.

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This weekend, I'll be at at Booth 164 with with copies of my usual stuff and a preview copy of Mega Centurions. Come through and pick up some copies.

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I haven't plugged a book or talked comics in awhile so here are some pages from MegaCenturions/Mega No More
Art by
Colors by
Edited by

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I wrote a story called ConTroll with and that was published by in Chile.

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Also, you can pre-order the Clusterf@#k trade on

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