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😍Welcome Utaurora comosa!😍
With Steve Pates, @PlLife2 @cambriancritter @InvertebratePal in @RSocPublishing
we describe the second ever opabiniid, a crown jewel of the Cambrian explosion from the Wheeler Fm, Utah! Featuring artwork by @franzanth!
@baileys Callichimaera is basically Allison Harvard? Although that does guarantee she would come in 2nd...
🦀Why do things keep evolving into crabs?🦀
Our new paper out today in #BioEssays is the science behind the meme:
How to become a crab: Phenotypic constraints on a recurring body plan
With @JaviPaleobio and @BrackenGrissom, feat. @franzanth's iconic art!
🚨🦀 New preprint! 🦀🚨
How to become a crab: Phenotypic constraints on a recurring body plan
It's a #crustmas miracle released today - our @NSF funded take on why things keep evolving into crabs! With @JaviPaleobio and @BrackenGrissom, feat. @franzanth's iconic art! https://t.co/Nht4ra111q
@flaskandquill @Skoogbacter @DrBradBrad @marekstibal @jonnyhawkings @marmite_usf @ashevenell @RowanMartindale @sarahlsheffield @geologiststephy @palaeobak @DrVasshe @Brad_Rosenheim @matt_hommeyer @OG_Nancy @LauraDMydlarz @raventurelli @virome_girl @bigbabywillis @OceanAndClimate @LGGwi @sarahoutdoors @akellermn @AlexAnesio @petavinsova @tyler_kohler @KCameronArctic @climate_ice @phantomBugs @Oliver_W_Moore @zeobiology @EllenLalk @JeeminRhim @science_is_dope @punk_scientist @couchcs @totesmycrobes @thiberio @lizward92