

Drawer of things. Reckless chair spinner.

フォロー数:153 フォロワー数:1948

Actually had one for you- never got around to sending- it's your old look though.

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I actually have no decent freetime so I've not been doing them... here's a rushed one for you though. enjoy.

0 0 released these... so I guess I can too! Sketch ideas for Habboween!

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here's yours. oh so classy.

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it was bound to happen at some point... for some reason your avatar made me think of skywalker.

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when mutant goldfish attack...

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so your drawing goes in the "odd" pile but hopefully still cool. Dino punch. How could it not be?

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for some reason... you're sorta channeling The Fonz. Just because.

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Not sure how it came to this but.. here's yours!

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