

inactive, feel free to friend me on discord or follow me on tumblr (both are @juiatomou)

フォロー数:805 フォロワー数:735

🥊 boxxy
obviously a kickboxer. tries his best to be nice and polite, but sometimes fails. has anger issues. sometimes can act really cowardly and impulsively.

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🛸 ufo
the host! very emotional and not hard to impress. a bit clumsy and forgetful. very friendly, can easily get along with most people. very passionate about their ideas.

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tjats better(also added eyelashes because hes that awesome)

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why does she remind me of sans here hjelp;

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// danganronpa
how do i look likw all of them simultaneously /hj

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POG thank u for the chance!!

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another wip👍

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idk whjat im doing i dont usually draw in an anime art style but i randomly sketched this andi like it

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before + after quarantine 👍👍👍 my appearance actually changed Way less irl but what Reallu changed is the way i draw myself/make myself in picrews

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ALSO made a ruby one👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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