

Webcomic: ants.thejulianlytle.com podcast: ignorant-bliss.com @criticschoice member/ @wafca member contact: [email protected]

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I love It's one of my favorite shows. I don't know if I'm the only one but there are some good Fatal Fury/Art of Fighting story parallels. Terry Silver out here w/ great Geese Howard energy.

2 9

I just looked at the Rolling Stone 200 hip hop album list... My mood

1 6

Where Zangief at?
Must be his gym

0 4

Show the books that hooked you on comics.
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0 9

Hey. You had to be in them arcades.

2 3

If your fav wasn't in a Capcom fighting game they can't be great.

0 0

On this. Villain talk from me. https://t.co/3bbvtc9YX7

1 1

I have no idea what this is.

0 1

Took about 8 days but I finished this. Excellent story. I see why she's the Queen now for a reason. After the last chapter I totally get why series sold over 82 million copies of takubon & the anime film became the highest grossing Anime film globally of all time.

0 5