Julie Hamptonさんのプロフィール画像

Julie Hamptonさんのイラストまとめ

My debut picture book, BETTY BUILDS IT, has plenty of robots & supports girls in STEM! Architect/author/illustrator/caffeinator #Activist #Feminist 🐸🐊

フォロー数:3132 フォロワー数:2849

That's the easy fix, I like it! Or maybe they switch to different instruments altogether:

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Will now mention I’m at most other places, and my digital moniker is the same or similar with an eel in a chair for my representative portrait

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Happy Spot the lie about the adorable googly-eyed Blue-spotted Mudskipper:
Spend 90% of their time on land.
Unlike other fish, they can blink.
Fantastic leaping displays to show off.
French hopscotch champion 2014.
Answer and awesome video in the thread!

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I do use that reference to my own work sometimes, because I happen to love cartoons. Not sure if that is a negative to others

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Well, shoot. I enjoy twitter, (mostly!) love my friends here. Will stay here for now to see how things play out but please find me elsewhere if things continue to slide:
Mastodon: .net
Counter Social: @ juliehampton
IG: juliehampton58
We will party somewhere!

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Thanks for the tip, I can breathe great now!

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How do fish ride bikes? For I asked my fish friends. Only about 10% flop their tail over the handlebars. Most fish prefer tail sailing behind, rudder-like. Alma here demonstrates on her little trike. Can’t operate the pedals anyway, she's propelled by the current.

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In truth, none of the trick or treaters tried to strangle me so far

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