jumbi’s backさんのプロフィール画像

jumbi’s backさんのイラストまとめ

🎨 Julia Lemes. 31. // hi, i'm Jumbi and i make some cute fanarts! ♡ // ✉️ contact: [email protected] {ela/dela·she/her}

フォロー数:1549 フォロワー数:11224

find a moment of calm, colour it in 🎨

573 3514

so... I drew big flowers 🌼

165 1032

in this world, it’s just us 🏡

760 4661

I find my Pleasing when you are home 🏡

740 4638

bouncy trouncy flouncy pouncy, fun fun fun fun fun~


feel free to follow me hahaha just kidding (or maybe not 🤪

164 867

Feliz aniversário, shushu!! Tuuudo de bom e de maravilhoso hoje e sempre, meu amô! 🥳💖

0 3

and I know you hate to smoke without me 🚬

454 3653

the luckiest phone ♡

394 2558

my spider sense says larry is real in any multiverse 🕸

344 2509