

Artist | foundation.app/@yamagucci

フォロー数:1485 フォロワー数:1404

Many may have beaten 'em on the race Into The Metaverse. Many more will, and many will run out of steam, but not these frens.

Their steam are lighted up with passion and belief, it never burns out!

YAMAGUCCI - 582: A long wait.

5 13

I dressed one of my NFT character in a custom tee for the global rally for Glory Reign 2022 ☺️✨

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I successfully uploaded Few of my test images to ipfs, I'm gonna spend the rest of the week studying a free source lesson and try to deploy a contract on the testnet.

Check out this really mean one✨ ☺️

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Here is another one from the test folder.

Chances of this one with the same traits showing up again when I generate 582 of these guys is... might not happen again.

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