

26. black. BEASTARS. Echo. OCs. no followers under 18. don't repost my art!
fics + hcs + art. pina is my fave (also pina/riz)
feminine shorthaired pina love

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:307

Kibi and Tao was one of my first beastars otps so of course, i HAD to draw them eventually .

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hello! thanks for following. this blog is just a beastars blog where i post my art, headcanons and occasionally my fics. i mostly talk about pina, and just beastars dynamics. if you're a fan of pina/riz fics, check out my ao3 (also enjoy some art?)

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i think out of all my art, pina's eyes are my favorite things to draw, at least for these last two pics--

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which is better--green background, or city purple background

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and also these eyes were super fun to draw. it'll be even nicer when i add the shadows and shading

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me: u know what--i think beastars and odd taxi are the only anthro/furry things i'll get into--i certainly won't get inspired to make my own stuff. and if i do make an oc, it certainly won't be a sheep.

also me coming up with an oc for a webcomic:

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the beauty of Aphrodite and the wrath of Peresphone wip

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trying a new way to draw pina! this was fun !

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