Soren 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Soren 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Soren | 22 | He/it | 🇲🇽 🇵🇷 🇺🇸
★ SFW | Art Acc: @Juscrowart
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★ Don't repost art w/o permission!

フォロー数:161 フォロワー数:577

I love them and I think its v cool how they are nb!! I also really like their relationship with Maka since its like bro they have a friend who cares abt them and they DESERVE IT!! I can relate to them being shy + nervous but they're doing their best I love them!!!

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Heavy :)
Hes big and strong like woah MALKDMAS I just think hes neat and I would like to hold his hand. or be held by him in general.

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KABBU!!! 💚💚
Kabbu is my fave from bug fables since I love how he cares about his friends and is just so loyal and brave?? but hes a bit selfless and willing to sacrifice himself when it comes to them which. wah. His side quest leaves me wanting more but its sweet

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Luigi was always my fave out of the bros cause I always admired how despite him being scared of everything he still did really cool things like?? damn he went into a haunted mansion to save his bro!! I always hated how in the earlier games charas were so mean to him tho

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as a kid I always loved how mysterious metaknight was and how similar he looks to kirby. I also rly like that he wants a fair fight against kirby everytime + he cares abt his friends. But also he and king dedede are. you know

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The hollow knight :)
I really like them as a character and their role in the game since they have a huge responsibility put on them cuz of their dad but aren't able to truly control it in the end so they have to help the knight beat AR. They're cool but make me sad...

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I despise this man always running rent free on my mind 🙄
hes dumb and think hes so cool but UGHH hes just. charming. Idiot who is trying his best. Also i think hes trans cuz I say so but also hes gay and homophobic /hj

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As a kid I always thought bowser was cute but I thought i was fucked up for thinking that MALDKMASD tho bowsers inside story REALLLY made me fall for him like 😳 Even if hes a lil evil hes such a great dad and supports his son and its so sweet!! I love this man!

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*rubs my hands together* I LOVE this ugly lil rat so much because he goes from being mean and incosiderate to having his heart soften up and cares abt others and I just 😭 ITS JUST SO SWEET... i care about mad rat and i cant believe this rat makes me emotional

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Dr. Andonuts gnc icon - Porky, probably.

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