

“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:233

I never ever in my life sketched out something so fast, since I'm leaving the country for a view days, but I was so fixated on an idea

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Shitty and messy, but I feel like I really need a hug.

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Finally! That edited song 'Ten Things One Thing' broke my heart, so I had to illustrate it.

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Eeeeh I just colored Pip from my Sketches. I wanted to do all, but am a lazy , so take this first.

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I drew Laurens .. (Not that satisfied with the result, but I learned a lot)

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Du hast so ein hübsches Gesicht, was richtig feminines wär mal schön ò3ó Inori aus Guilty Crown z.B! Schlicht, aber fein!

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Ich würde am Liebsten Kvothe, Kvothe, Kvothe schreiben xD Alles, was Bishi ist! Z.B. Akira aus Persona 5 BD

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Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber Kida aus Atlantis kam mir direkt in den Sinn >///<

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Bei dir kann ich mir halt alles vorstellen, was mega heiß ist. xD Mir kam irgendwie Lavi aus D.Gray. Man in den Sinn

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