JVGS Jeffさんのプロフィール画像

JVGS Jeffさんのイラストまとめ

jvgsjeff on Youtube, big #AnimalCrossing fan. Follow for AC content spanning the series. 🎮🌍🏙️ 🍃🏝️ Never Stop Crossing!

フォロー数:97 フォロワー数:4898

Ghosts wish on shooting stars too.

4 72

I reached a million Nook Miles today. I had been wondering if the counter stopped at ~999,999, but it keeps going.

198 6104

Everyone is saying this is a glowing dig spot, like on GameCube...and it probably is. But the light seems quite narrow, like it's coming out of a pinhole. Are we sure it couldn't be an indication of a glow worm underground?

5 137

Northern lights from the Forest dock.

3 50

Who wore it better?

10 31

My last fish in each game:
GameCube: giant snakehead
City Folk: blue marlin
New Leaf: oarfish
Wild World: dorado

12 81