

we’ll be okay.

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Happy tenth anniversary Sherlock, one of the best series I’ve ever seen. Here are a few drawings I did to celebrate.

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Just a few photos from on Friday. I had an amazing time finally meeting and seeing again. It was really lovely.

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After last night I have so many thoughts. Wonderful show. Too much to say here, but full breakdown on the Bat Clan and Lost Facebook pages. If you don’t have facebooks and want my thoughts just let me know and I paste it in a DM! 🦇💕

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finished tonight and... honestly this show has meant so much to me as someone who recently discovered my identity and is still becoming comfortable with it. This amazing true story has been absolutely beautiful and I hope more people watch it. Thanks Ann(e).

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I recently got into and it is easily one of the best shows I’ve seen, if not the best. Recent art for the show.

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So I’ve started a Patreon! Pledge $1 a month for access to all my sketches, plus other options! https://t.co/wp306aPZuB 💕

ALSO! RT to be entered into a raffle for a sketch of any character of your choice! I’ll pick the winner on Sunday.

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I’m so sorry for the lack of artwork and what not lately. My laptop decided to die on me so I’ve had to buy a new one and I’m currently waiting on it. I’m taking commissions to cover the cost of my new equipment. If you’re interested/ have questions let me know. Please RT 😊

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Hey guys, currently trying to get some money together just in case since things aren’t looking so great at the moment. I’ll be taking £10 for the first character +£5 for the second. DM any questions and RT if you can, please 💕

Examples of my work :

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Just in case anyone was ever wondering what that ‘Arizona sky, burning in your eyes’ looked like. My photos from recently. I’ll always love the sunsets here.

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Nothing to say but thank you for this opportunity to do art for you two. friends, please go and cheer them on for me. There are still tickets available for Peterborough!

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