恵介です〜^_^(commissions closed)さんのプロフィール画像

恵介です〜^_^(commissions closed)さんのイラストまとめ

Commissions open!! 日本語/中文/English OK I enjoy drawing characters with redesigns sometimes ^.^

フォロー数:322 フォロワー数:4948

Last piece of 2023 gotta be her man...when will mihoyo release summer skins🥲

830 7626

Recently finished a commission, never really done 3 characters on a single piece before, but I'd say it was a pretty fun experience, especially getting to play around with the whole magazine cover aesthetic

0 22

Did a commission for 's Caenis Lily OC!
currently still busy with com work, though I cant wait to get back to working on personal pieces :DDD

29 164

want to get back to working on her but im so swamped with work rn 😩
havent even got the time to play the new star rail update

1 11

Commission for , been mad busy with commisisons lately

8 97

having a blast playing samurai remnant so far

605 2125