


フォロー数:11219 フォロワー数:10732
# brexit

exempts business travelers, &
Exempts himself from travel bans OK fine.

Boris then announces UK has a new *Super version of Covid 19* on very thin evidence .

The UK is now walled in..
*All UK Citizens* blocked from all air travel >
4 months?
a year ?

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U-Turn ..
it's part of a plan.. its physiological warfare..

This cat and mouse game will drive millions of elderly people living alone into utter despair.

millions were isolated before covid..

what will it take to stop this insanity ?

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Stop being daft ☹ UK waters = UK fish ..
keep pretending you don't understand..

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You may have missed the EU market size will shrink next year ..(Mr cherry picker) .. by $2.8 trillion as we leave.

Average tariffs on general goods 3% = means will still trade with EU.

cars 5%
not a big deal.
anyway let's see..

no deal 💪

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will end up as the last man standing in the UK media..
my followers in general all follow
they are pro
AFN is not anti Trump or pro Brexit
Trump lost EofS
what I like is Andrew just reports what he can see .
what he can prove.
old school journalism.

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is planning to keep the UK chained to the EU with a last minute U-turn.
and give away fishing
NO Boris a traitor ?
No after all he said..
you wont remember her..the brain strives to supress traumatic memories.
brexit means brexit ..lol

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did I say one our own?
let me check..
err no
we pay in ..others take out..

maybe >
We need an Erasmus type program.. taking student out of the EU sandpit > New Zealand Australia USA Canada..

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Israel takes part in Erasmus.

But UK cant ..

its interesting how you keep cashing that £1,000 million a month from the UK.

To pay your wages and to pay for Erasmus.
you're a cheeky beggar

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the experts??
you trust this man ?
wow ..

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I agree.. it's a perfect storm..
too perfect.
99% of Europe is now under authoritarian rule.
democracy is dead
legal rights & freedom dead.
is systematically destroying jobs businesses and GDP he knows there will be no bounce back

They R in control >

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