

K-CO-DOTの意味は「Kishi Can't Only Do One Thing」(キッシーは興味ひとつだけに絞れない)!

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will be the first in the series to have a "Samurai Team." But the concept was proposed long ago, for KOF '95. There the members would have been Haohmaru, Nakoruru, and Galford. Before that, two of them appeared in the trivia game Quiz King of Fighters.

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KOFXVはシリーズで初の「サムライチーム」を持ちけど、昔でアイディアがKOF95に提案された。メンバーは覇王丸、ナコルル、ガルフォードであった。それ以前は、覇王丸とナコルルはクイズゲーム「クイズ キング・オブ・ファイターズ」に登場。

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Hiroaki's new art for the PS4 release of KOF '98 UMFE carries on Shinkiro's preference for Heavy D! in the original '98 art.

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Upon their debut in KOF '97, the abilities of Yashiro, Shermie, and Chris in their true form were meant to mirror those of KOF's original Hero Team—Yashiro for Daimon, Shermie for Benimaru, and Chris for Kyo.

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Their team insignia is the CYS band logo inside the ring that was on Orochi's chest in 1997, which symbolises the Orochi Hakkeshu in the form of the eight necks of Yamata no Orochi.

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The KOF XV Ura Orochi Team uniform is based on Goenitz, the Orochi Hakkeshu leader who died in KOF '96. Before now, Yashiro, Shermie, and Chris wore it during KOF '98's credits. Even Chris's feather accessory has been reproduced.

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"Punishment Team" from KOF XI: Whip, Jenet, and Elisabeth.
With MOW Team in XV, the queens can be reunited.

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