

Katherine Junginger / KJunginger ♡ Filipino-German 1991
Gamer handle: Crealle
FFXIV: Loeb Cyrdwen (Famfrit)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Ecaille

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:670

I hope we could eventually get human!Mikhail in this game in the future! Would be such a shame if this design was only used in SINoALICE. 🥺🙏✨

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Drawing my oc in my free time as practice. Ecaille is one of my favorite characters to draw. Also did a design for Ecaille's Day of Devotion outfit.

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3rd of D&D characters, though actually he's the first I ever made. He's been through 3 campaigns technically (2 which were unfininshed). He's been a fighter, ranger, and rogue. Rory, my resident goat boy--I mean Satyr.

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As I promised ; Here's my other d&d character, my half-elf Franzine. She's been through more than one campaign and was just an oc of mine before that. She's been both a warlock and a cleric and also dead.

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Art of my D&D character from my previous campaign. Mioshe, a Gnome Ranger. They look like a frog faced young girl and acts like a gremlin.
I never finish coloring drawings of my own oc's. :P

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Some doodles in line with my previous Sonic fanart:

...Yeah. I have ideas that I have no time for so I doodle them.

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And finally, if you guys remember some of my characters like the Mouse or Ram girl, these were some earlier concepts in the same line-up which are now essentially abandoned. The concept behind them have changed a lot since then, and the aesthetic is much different now.

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Random pixel art. My bf was teaching me basics in Unity for work purposes, but not one to half-ass things, I made my own assets and was also teaching myself a bit more pixel art. These are rather messy though. XD

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This time we have a Tiger girl. Might not yet be the final colors for her outfit. 🤔

Mostly just came up with her design while on the tram. 😅

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