

へんなことしたら寛大な心で許ください(._.) 勝手にフォローしてしまうかもしれませんお許しを Vtuberよく見てますよ ゲーム、サバゲー、特撮(ゴジラ系)色々好きです! ACE COMBATに関しては一生ファンでいます。

フォロー数:772 フォロワー数:64

Please give her a little artistic power, too.

2 20

As expected, she doesn't want to eat it either.
But she is eating.
Does it taste good?

1 7

Do you think she approves of him?

2 6

It's not food. It's dangerous.
But it makes her very happy.😊

1 10

Did she build it up ?😯

1 8

Don't tell me the candy has chili peppers too?😰

2 14

I'm deeply moved that she's using her mother's things.

1 25