

花や旅行が好きで写真を撮り楽しんでいます。現在パソコン教室でパソコンやiPhone の勉強中。ブログ… ホームページ

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:6996

It’s the last Sunday in October today and tomorrow is Halloween. It seems that a lot of youngsters gathered and enjoyed Halloween’s eve at the entertainment venue in Tokyo. I pray that big accident will be not happen.
Let’s protect Ukraine’s freedom and peace.

3 24

Good night.Have a happy evening everyone.See you tomorrow.
Let’s protect Ukraine’s freedom and peace.

2 30

Hi. How are you doing. Have a happy Thursday everyone. A strong earthquake at intensity 4 was felt at about 11 o’clock last night in Tokyo. I was frightened by the big rolling of the room. Let’s protect Ukraine’s freedom and peace

1 24

Good night.Have a happy dream everyone. It’s sunny and very cold today in Tokyo

1 37

Hi. How’s life. Have a happy Saturday everyone. The Beijing Olympic have opened yesterday.We are expecting much of the success of Japanese people

3 25

Hello.Good night.Have a happy dream everyone.The peoples infections with coronavirus over a ten thousand per day in Tokyo

1 31


1 6


4 54

Hello.Good morning.Have a happy Monday my friend.

1 30

Hello.Good morning.Have a happy Friday my friend

1 17