Kach Againさんのプロフィール画像

Kach Againさんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:12 フォロワー数:17128

UR Dia◆Illusion Dia (Natural/Sp)

Skill: adds 7..9% of max SP to the SP gauge

P: increases Appeal by 4..5.2% + Tech by 1.4..2.6% of same attribute cards
A: on same attribute songs, increases SP gauge capacity to 200% & increases Voltage of SP skills based on overcharge(max 30%)

14 27

UR Maiden's innocence Umi (Cool/Sk)

Skill: increases Crit rate by 8..10% & Voltage gain by 4..5.2% for 5 notes of same subunit cards

P: increases Appeal of same subunit cards by 5/5.5/6/6.5/7%
A: on own Crits, gives Voltage equal to 30% of own Appeal (up to 20 times)

17 39

September 25th, 00:00 JST - October 14th, 14:59 JST
- UR Umi
- UR Dia
- SR Kotori
- SR Ayumu
- SR Shioriko

7 52

[#SIFASJP] Next songs to be added
- early October: µ's "Dancing stars on me!"
- late October: Aqours "Humming Friend"

µ's Dancing stars on me outfits will also be released♪

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SIF Thanksgiving 2020 Ruby UR [Promo] (Score Up)

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Astronomical Observations You UR (Parameter Up)

Skill: every 26 notes, 19..47% chance to increase Aqours 2nd years' stats by 15..36% for 2.5..4.5 seconds.

Center skill: Pure Angel + Aqours boost (9/3)

17 44

Astronomical Observations Dia UR (Parameter Up)

Skill: every 32 notes, 18..53% chance to increase AZALEA members' stats by 15..36% for 3..5 seconds.

Center skill: Pure Angel + Aqours boost (9/3)

21 39

[event] Astronomical Observations Kanan UR (Healer)

Skill: every 23 notes, 29..78% chance to restore 4..7 Stamina.

Center skill: Cool Empress + Aqours boost (9/3)

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[event] Hanamaru SSR (Healer)

Skill: every 26 notes, 41..69% chance to restore 3..6 Stamina.

15 69

[#SIFASJP/#SIFASEN] Event gacha
September 16th, 15:00 JST - September 25th, 14:59 JST
- UR Nico
- UR Hanamaru
- SR Shizuku

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