

Nice to meet you! (*´ω`*); she/her, fuck AI degeneration ^-^ BE | ENG;
Аrt and retweets of sketches posted on main @d_tulipsmoke

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:176

Hakuren has like two lines of dialogue in canon but he is my husband

6 12

Reverse AU
"The more magnificent your braid is, the better a Magi you are"
Judal was believing these lies while magi-Hakuryuu would be like "Hm, I can use it for weakining my image in Al Thamen's eyes"

10 10

I have many old art to share with you, but i have a bunch of gender switch art i didnt show on tumblr, haha :д
Did this fem!Hakuryuu art for my gf, still proud of it

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The gift itself, mermagi AU :3

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I've dreamed to redraw this scene since I saw it

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I dont ship sinseren but GOD ITS THEM FIGHT ME

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Reposting your own art is hard XD (no)
Meet a pastel koumor

8 12

Where is my gear?
Where, where are my stairs? 
Where is heartbeat? 
This, this silence
This silence is mine

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