

2d Animator/vis dev and pastry eater.

go to b|ue $ky

フォロー数:238 フォロワー数:11694

getting used to harmony by drawing some stuff!

501 2208

Found this version of the draw 6 thing and had some funn

124 874

and the painting on it's own, with out the effects on it.

3 90

And more messing around

33 282

lil alligator swamp boys.

268 1222

I took a break from animating to....animate something smaller???

780 3823

When I have too much drawing todo (work stuff) I tend to day dream about going back into 3D.

Scuplted king Koopa up on my iPad, I’ll have to take him into maya to actually fix/finish stuff if I go any further...

33 283

Me “I have to bring home work home with me, we have way to much todo”
Me as soon as I get home.

13 148

Imma cake boy

70 616

messing around in photoshop for a hot minute

98 688