walmart bluey 🔜 ?! 💅さんのプロフィール画像

walmart bluey 🔜 ?! 💅さんのイラストまとめ

kaiju corgi shiba jupiter ✂️🐕 @madefuryou | 24 | she/her | pnw | 🇯🇵 | dummy thicc 💘 | 18+ | lesbian 🫡🌈 | AD: @jupiterbites | 🦷 dentist in training 🪥 |

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my mercury fursuit will be done soon ahhhHHH i m so excited to show you guys!! sorry i havent been super active here, //i dont tend to suit much outside of cons so i dont have many pics jhgjhdg forgive me

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This is Mercury, my secondary sona of sorts!! He will become a fursuit (maker is a secret although it’s not gonna be a surprise lol) and I’m so excited ahh. I have a v1 suit but my v2 will capture him so much better

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