

20+ 🇦🇷 ESP-ENG / I draw girls

フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:10997

“Post four fictional characters you’re obsessed with and tag 4 others to do the same”

I tried to pick one per franchise and failed 😔

3 18

dandelion, dandelion, ride the wind to a faraway land ~🍃

91 325

when they tell you rex lapis is dead https://t.co/ZtLSTgpPp4

26 119

haven't even voted yet, i'm just

2 8

I was listening to some Nanoha songs the other day and damn, Nanoha and Fate really are peak enemies to childhood friends to lovers-

20 91

my reaction to being sent claudine's birthday art was just "wow she was born on odaiba memorial day???"

0 12

jean doodle! not too detailed but i'm trying to get used to her new outfit 👀

54 276