

27 / he/him / I only care about pro wrestling and bubble tea and metal gear / nazi furs fuck off /

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Goodbye Sengen study(?) feat my baby boye

4 15

hehehe hooo hoo

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Yupo rules, I wish I had better colors on hand but w/e

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gumpy boi. also this would be such a good head for a seal

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playing with markers and fake screentone (screentone printed on adhesive backed drafting film lol)

8 31

This is so funny. Dragon -> purple -> ???? -> purple dragon. Took a while but we got there

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something like this i think! idk if anyone's already made something like that tho

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Never finishing this goodnight 😊 https://t.co/8LUG6nJGNS

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pride eyes are on the mp now for anyone who can't get them in world! <3 https://t.co/FWQ7SGSZZS

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