

#RWBYEvermorrow & Team RAIN guy

alt for low effort content: @radialsmoke

フォロー数:50 フォロワー数:3350

Luckily there are only 2 matches for round 2 of left, because these are DOOZIES. You have the randomizer to thank for these two.

Penny (non-Maiden) vs. Blake
Mercury vs. Neo

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To make my life easier I'm only gonna post the matches for and reveal the winners at the end of each entire round. Here's the next 3:

Bolin vs. Ruby
Nolan vs. Coco
Nora vs. Reese

...admittedly they're kinda one-sided this time.

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It's about to get a lot trickier. The first 3matches of Round 2 are:

Miltia vs. Arslan

Weiss vs. Emerald (coincidentally teased in the v2-3 intros)

Pyrrha vs. Velvet (can skill win out when there's no metal to control?)

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And and which I'm not sure anyone has any stake in:

Sky vs. Nolan
Bolin vs. Roy

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Round 1, Matches 17 to 22 (Continued in next tweet):
Scarlet vs. Yatsuhashi
Nadir vs. Coco
Neptune vs. Neo
May vs. Jaune (v7-8, can actually fight lol)

Who wins each, and why? Best reasoning wins!

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Round 1, Matches 13 to 16:
Mercury vs Melanie
Yang vs Dew
Reese vs Gwen
Cinder (Non-Maiden) vs Weiss

Who wins each, and why? Best reasoning wins!

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Round 1, Matches 9 to 12:
Arslan vs. Oscar (No Ozpin assuming Direct Control)
Neon vs. Penny (No Maiden powers)
Ciel vs. Velvet
Sun vs. Ren

Who wins each, and why? Best reasoning wins!

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Round 1, Matches 5 to 8:
Sage vs. Fox
Nora vs. Octavia
Ilia vs. Flynt
Ruby vs. Dove

Who wins each, and why? Best reasoning wins!

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Round 1, Matches 1 to 4:
Emerald vs Russel
Nebula vs Blake
Cardin vs Miltiades
Pyrrha vs Brawnz

Who wins each, and why? Best justification wins

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Local teacher punches mind-controlled students, claims "character building"

Been a while since I drew Theodore, felt the urge to do so again with his weapons this time

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