Kamen America (仮面アメリカ)さんのプロフィール画像

Kamen America (仮面アメリカ)さんのイラストまとめ

Carly Vanders is the girl next door who can transform into America’s super-powered sweetheart! 👩🏻‍🦰⚡️👩🏼🇺🇸 日本語仮面アメリカアカウント:@kamenamericaJPN

フォロー数:831 フォロワー数:32660


- will once again host the 30,000 attendee BELL COUNTY COMIC CON,
- BH X KA X SF pre-orders will officially end,
- AND we debut our online Kamen America web series in both Japanese and English! Exciting!


10 24

Good Monday morning to everyone! We are in the home stretch with just a week left to pre-order BLACK HOPS X KAMEN AMERICA X SOULFINDER: almost all physical tiers are sold out but digital is still available!

Art by


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Happy birthday to , who turned down a generous offer from Misha because he’s too busy writing more scripts. We celebrate but never, ever stop working!

ミシャの申し出はミスターマークから断られた。 彼はいつもスクリプトを書くのに忙しすぎます!


11 47

Good morning! Carly slept in today but Badger told her to wake up!

おはようございます! シャーロットは今朝遅くに目が覚めました、しかし彼女のペットのカピバラ、アナグマは彼女を目覚めさせました!

Art by


11 50

We are receiving BLACK HOPS X KAMEN AMERICA X SOULFINDER earlier than anticipated: final proofs were approved by us today! You won’t be waiting long for this one, so make sure you pre-order TODAY: only 15 days left!


6 25

It's NATIONAL HOT DOG DAY!! There are several promotions going on where you can find free and $1 hot dogs, so be sure to celebrate this special day!


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In less than 8 weeks, we will end the Web Series & debut KAMEN ACADEMY in both English &Japanese! Be prepared!

8週間以内にウェブシリーズを終了し、英語と日本語の両方でKAMEN ACADEMYをデビューさせます! 準備して!



Art by

7 20

PAGE 3 of KAMEN AMERICA VOLUME 7! The next page contains major spoilers that give away some of the events of VOLUME 6, so has issued a gag order from revealing any more!🤐


6 29

Thank you for the Kamen Comet art! I don't think I've ever seen her so happy!


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