g katyan misraさんのプロフィール画像

g katyan misraさんのイラストまとめ

history folklore, global approach to climatechange, citizen of great Indian civilization, dance, iitK swayamkath.blogspot.com

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A nautch girl sitting at the feet of two memsahibs & singing by SC Belnos c.1820
but elders told not every woman used to dance? many were only singers-they never danced. Gauniharin गौनिहहारिन?
they sang Tume टुमैंं something like
it reminded me of those singers

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exquisite art of sculpture making!
we can never write the praise in words
for that we have folded hands🙏🙏 in praise of those great artisans-sthapaty?

sculpture art of India
see every inch of space is utilised properly aesthetically

Avad0045 https://t.co/I8PJ0CkxBd

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anything common?
Gazi-Al-din Hayder
Moostafar ali khan, Oudh(awadh) royal 1850s?
crown seems closely related?
Painting did document lot of things of yore?

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how peacefull is his darshan!

even it is in ruin whole ambiance emanates energy of peace!

what would have been effect if i stood there in it's full splendour

Buddha sculpture at Bharhut
photo with
Beglar, Joseph David, 1875?

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at Mathura & Braj Vrindavan
celebration of colours starts today
BankeBihari ji
after 40 days Holi(phag) will be celebrated
May Vasant Panchami brings colours in all of your lives
peace & harmony

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great Gama Pahelwan had no match in wrestling

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cock figth once a popular sport at Oudh, Lucknow as shown in film Shataranj ke Khiladi
a painting by Zoffany's Cock Match

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bengalee women, an illustration said to be from "Wanderings of a Pilgrim in Search of the Picturesque?, Vol. I By Fanny Parkes?
is it true?
seems to be Patna kalam painting or murshidabad?

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Great Illuminator
Virochan means who illuminates-removes darkness by providing light, wisdom, knowledge
he is one of 5 Tathagat तथगत
rich tradition vhav
confused with Virochan, son of Prahlad
Liao dynasty, China, 11th century sculpture

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Be it Mahavir, Buddha, Shiv or Vishnu
all are पूजनिय for us
सहिस्णु हैं हम
we are taught संस्कार to revere/respect learned souls-saints
Dharmapalak too
Maryada is to be maintained even in discontent
thnx to

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