

Talking bullshit(a lot) / Drawing anime girls in historic uniforms / Korean Empire & spacecraft enthusiast / ● pixiv : pixiv.net/users/41907113

フォロー数:303 フォロワー数:31117

높은 산 깊은 골

33 359

이 루거랑 이 루거랑 전혀 관련 없었구나 ㅋㅋ

0 10

라덴 로켓이모랑 합방하고싶다고도 했음??

0 17

guess what, Remington Rolling Block rifle mod just came out
now I can officially become a 19th century Joseon rifleman of the wasteland

15 147

guys I might be degenerate

2 83

蟾? you mean this rover is supposed to be Chang'e herself? https://t.co/xmg2sQf5jN

2 38

Q: What should we do to surpass the high rate of fire of french percussion cap rifles with the tedious loading speed of matchlock guns?

A: Just stack more pre-loaded guns and put aside

4 21