

Talking bullshit / Drawing anime girls in historic uniforms / Korean Empire & spacecraft enthusiast / ● pixiv : pixiv.net/users/41907113

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:29288

English version is being cooked https://t.co/sEQgw5NZUZ

6 77

should I put flags like this one
or would it be too messy? https://t.co/6DquUpbK0w

4 31

아메리칸 갓에 동성애를 관장하는 중국 토끼신이 나온다길래 구라겠지 하고 찾아봤는데 진짜 있네; https://t.co/GZutmxh23Q

6 26

the size of proton-m is also pretty close to theirs. https://t.co/WPvVmU6SmT

8 31

사실 남북한은 유럽이 아닐까?

13 57