

11B Veteran/Investor/Collector #Hawaiian/#Ainu Mindset|#JBAS|#ABDUCTING|#CROOKZ|#BAPES|#BRAQ||#PAYC|#LAYC|#CORNTOWN|#BEEPBOOP|#MOTHZ|#APESPACES @FunApes_NFT

フォロー数:900 フォロワー数:1243

Check them out! Organic growth, Staking, Token, Passive Income, Revenue Sharing (RS Pass), Active community that’s growing everyday. Sold 10k collection, minted at .005, current FP is .02 and rising everyday.

11 24

Who else of my fellow have been here since Gen I & Gen II? My Gen I Blue Crystal Fur and Gen II Gold Fur 💯

6 21