

18↑ ʜᴋ 日本語勉強中-雑多垢 ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎ 2.5舞台/刀剣乱舞/実況者/歌い手 etc... RT多いですorz 無言フォロー失礼します‼︎ わ✋🏻メン済み

フォロー数:2355 フォロワー数:48

Happy 1st Anniversary \♡/

28 339

Hope you have a nice weekend Boss🙌🏻💛Please rest well!!!
You are the POGEST💛LOVE U<3

0 9

Looking forward to the first karaoke stream 🥺!!!!!!
I’ll run back home when I finish my first day exam of English and watch the archive :)

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