

opbee 擎蜂 オプティマス×バンブルビー


フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:1715

ruvik x seb ルヴィセバ😋

Mirror mirror on the wall Who's the precious one of all
SEB is sassy,I know that I am

3 15

I dont know why my PC ruvik have this light It created an illusion reality.🤣

0 4

ずっと待っている SEB

0 3

You know you like it but it drives you insane
I just wanna have some fun
Don't tell me what could be done

0 2

ruvik :Give me all your true hate And I'll translate it in our bed Into never seen passionThats why I am So mad about you

1 12

looks like white cat☺️

2 11

純真顏 腹黑心 大好☺️

0 3

Tell me baby if it's wrong to let my hands do what they want?
Late at night I pretend we are all alone dancing in the dark……

0 5


4 11

The Evil Within サイコブレイク(Psycho Break )ルヴィセバ

it is mine.

12 32