Kara Hauptさんのプロフィール画像

Kara Hauptさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:475 フォロワー数:4634

California is pushing back school start times. The move could sweep the nation — or backfire. Illustration by Anuj Shrestha. https://t.co/HPOsHZdnZ2

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LGBTQ Syrian refugees forced to choose between their families and identity. Illustration by Jun Cen. https://t.co/fXs6yDHv0f

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I have art directed stories by some of the best writers of a generation but I have never been as excited to art direct something by GUY FIERI https://t.co/zgPrZWncrq

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And a little peak at the candidate portraits I commissioned, by Adriana Bellet

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It's Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Rose Wong illustrated a few of the stories for . https://t.co/jaK5Dxu6bD

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On Instagram, users keep a keen eye on who watches their stories 👀 Illustration by Nicholas Little https://t.co/Vvs9XZEpXm

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Not every day you get to AD a swole Instant Pot https://t.co/E7Rxx0AQHM

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Another good one: black women and the fight for abortion rights. Illustration by . https://t.co/aIRcBr9exa

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