

Gardening, books, art, and my three lovely cats. I'm overly fond of cake and libraries. Sharing photos from my garden and beyond.

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This vintage Easter card is by Margaret Tarrant. The two touching noses are adorbs. 🐇

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Vintage Easter card. Hopefully it's like the Tardis inside - bigger than it looks.

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Fireside Mice by Gabriel Evans. Yes, I have a theme going with tonight's posts - by the fireside. Cozy.

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It was quite chilly here tonight so we had a cheery fire. The cats loved it - the calendar may say April but we haven't said goodbye to the cold.

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By children's book illustrator René Cloke. She's also known for her Medici postcards.

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I love this cozy scene from the children's picture book "Hector Fox and the Raven's Revenge" by Astrid Sheckels.

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So they handed him out acorn-cupfuls of honey-dew through the window, and he was not at all offended. He sat outside in the sun, and said—"Tiddly, widdly, widdly! Your very good health, Mrs. Tittlemouse!"
by Beatrix Potter

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Bedtime for Bunnies 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇
Artist ~ Nakisha VanderHoeven

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