Doffy's Viagra Dealerさんのプロフィール画像

Doffy's Viagra Dealerさんのイラストまとめ

raised by wolves and other beasts

Monk / adult / eng + jp ok / 🔞

lawsan propaganda HQ & local Pell enjoyer

banner: @pocketwei 💙
pfp: @zoeyneedswhisky 💙

フォロー数:703 フォロワー数:1584

obviously Sleeping Slaves is the quintessential 🤐🔫propaganda arc (and I would argue that Grateful Dead is too) but the Seccolata arc is also a perfect example of the 'putting themselves directly in harm's way to protect each other' element of Bruno and Mista's dynamic

4 35

stranger-licking, maniacal-cackling weirdo Bruno Buccellati is my favourite Bruno Buccellati

12 67

Entering 2020 Vs leaving 2020

> cool hair, excited about going to Korea and Japan, just discovered Golden Kamuy.
> less hair, very tired, fewer fucks given. Ready to fight 2021 if necessary.

0 15

thanks to tsukaden my knickers just pinged right off

3 33

absolutely dying at tsukishima just. quietly lying there with a big piece of mos on his face. koito is the worst boyfriend ever.

4 26