

Timeline Destroyer | small brain | Voice Actor | discord.gg/katerino | dumb bitch account @notkaterino she/they/anything

フォロー数:1532 フォロワー数:64134

Spending my day refreshing the rule 34 subreddit

6 346

I challenged my community to do 15-minute speed drawings of me, I can't believe they're so CRAZY TALENTED WHAT THE HECK! here are the winners :)

37 2795

She has me lookin like a Charger 🥴

43 3345

Good, we were gonna have a problem

0 105

Carson just dropped a bunch of shit out of his wallet at Disneyland in front of a bunch of his fans, what an idiot

214 12918

Don't blow it Carcass

1 249

You know I’m maiming Banjo after this one 🥵😰😮😳😳😳 he be wieldin this lil thiccie 😳😳😤🥵😰😂😂

4 135

Gran Torino got some lil feet

0 6