

Mostly my vocaloid fanart. Please credit if you repost my art. @Edlinklover is my child (literally).

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:192

Persona 5 four-eye group (Almost forgot about Sojiro) ペルソナ5のめがね組👓

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He is more simple-minded than he looks I guess 🤣考えていることは結構単純だったりする(笑)。

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今日は及川さん。8月19日はハイキューの日だということです。I drew Oikawa today. August 19 is considered "Haikyuu Day" in Japan -- 8(HAchi) 1 (Ichi) 9(KYU).

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ハイキュー大好き。菅さん大好き。I love Haikyuu!! Drawing Suga-san made me happy 😊

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練習。もっと練習して上手になりたい。Just practicing.

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When he's not fighting

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今年の始めからデジタルに挑戦しています。野球少年⚾️I've started drawing digitally since the beginning of this year. He's not an anime character.

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