

Learn Japanese with Riko! Android: knapp.moe/AppAndroid iOS: knapp.moe/AppiOS

フォロー数:1388 フォロワー数:2123

There are two different ways to say „and“ in Japanese.

If you want to say „Riko went grocery shopping AND to school (and that’s all she did today)“, you use と. 💕

Stay tuned for the next post to find out the second option! 🦊❤️


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Is it slowly getting warmer in your place? ☀️

Riko can’t wait for summer so she can relax at the 川 (かわ/kawa) again. She loves to swim in oceans, lakes and 川! 💦

川 means „river“.

Where do you love to swim the most? Is it 川, too?


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すき焼き (すきやき/sukiyaki)!!! 😍

Sukiyaki is a Japanese dish that consists of meat, vegetables and other ingredients. 💕

It is slowly cooked or simmered at the table and served in a Japanese hot pot style. Add this to your „must try out“ list! 🦊


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Speaking of 踊る (おどる/odoru)…
Riko is an amazing dancer! 🕺

踊る is a verb and means „to dance“.

Is this something you’re interested in? 🥰
Perhaps not, but we’re sure you’re interested in learning Japanese! So check out our app kawaiiNihongo! 🦊


4 30

Today is ホワイトデー (howaitodee)!

The "White Day" is similar to Valentine's Day. 🎀

In Japan, the women traditionally gift the men presents on V-Day to show their affection.
On White Day, it's the mens' turn! 🦊


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This means „Among other things, Aoi likes to dance and to listen to music.“

This might look like a complicated sentences, but you can easily learn how to form sentences like these with kawaiiNihongo!❤️


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Today is 雛祭り (ひなまつり/hinamatsuri) in Japan (3rd March)! 🎀

Literally translated, it means "doll festival", but it's also called "Girls' festival"! 🦊

On this day, girls are being celebrated and parents pray for their continued health and happiness. 💕


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Which 国 (くに/kuni) are you from?
Can you guess what 国 means? 🦊

It means "country"!

Do you already know how to write your 国 in Japanese? 🤔


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Have you ever heard of だんご (dango)?

だんご are Japanese dumplings made out of rice flour. 😍

Check out kawaiiNihongo, the app where you can learn Japanese while also discovering more about Japanese culture and dishes!🦊


4 29

Riko does not only want to eat chicken, but she's also a huge fan of Onigiris! 🍙

りこはおにぎりを食べたい (たべたい)
(Riko wa onigiri wo tabetai)!

Learn more about the ーたい(-tai) form in lesson 44 of kawaiiNihongo! 🦊💕


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