🔪🔪hire me🌚🌚🌚👽さんのプロフィール画像

🔪🔪hire me🌚🌚🌚👽さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:2256

please let me tell more compliments to vanderwood...

273 443

mm spoilers//// i'm glad vanderwood is with them

168 223

i love hakuno (also wada for giving us this outfit)

160 249

extra games are just dating sim with some weird rock paper scissors going on. also there are side characters u wish had main routes too

235 290

gee fgo how come you let me have 2 avengers in 1 roll

101 134

watch me drawing hakuno with everyone

38 75

i had to draw that otherwise i wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully

137 197

oh my god i never realized this outfit also has typical for erunes cut aaaaaaaa

1 13