

22 y/o 🇺🇸🇲🇽 | He/Him | Hispanic/Latino | Artist | Aspiring Character Designer


Don't edit/repost my art

フォロー数:1428 フォロワー数:848

Tailette also exists don’t question it (sorry I drew another one) (very drastic style change from the sonette I did I know lol)

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Oh yeah sonette exists (sorry I drew it)

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Happy birthday to y’all who’s favorite characters got alts in heroes but rn I’m just laying down and waiting for my guys time to shine

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Everyone: Dressed up as someone they are very close to/love

Celica: I'm bringing the 80s back

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The only good thing about this new heroes update is that MY DUDE JAMKE IS GONNA BE IN HEROES HOLY FUCK

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I'm glad Celica got the fucked outfit this is great

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The hair says it bok it's not fuckin iness

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if you then you
don't love don't deserve
me at my me at my

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