

28 | She/They
Former Ar/t account of Kayla Shaggy.
Dine & Annishinabe Ar/tist.
Portfolio in link below.

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:691

aw heck im gonna color them all
(i love juniper's expression in this one)

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im sorry i really wanted to see this colored (annalise is so cute with her big ribbon 🥹❤️)

2 14

yes i slapped colors on this yes i know its basic coloring but i like the flat look

8 9

Just realized I could quickly color these two jokey drawings of Annalise and Sierra dkjafskdl

4 8

Sierra being affectionate with her friends 🥺❤️

5 5

Princess and Knight / Princess and Her Knight

8 16

Princess and Her Knight

16 26

And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are

7 23